Friday, May 18, 2012

Still Going....

How far along: 39 weeks

Total weight gain: 27 pounds

Food craving: Everything! I am ravenously hungry all the time. I inhale my food when I sit down to eat these days. I’m such a cliché.

Cankles, Stretch Marks, Waddling: By the end of the day I have cankles, by the morning they are gone. It’s good I guess because they aren’t always fatty mcfat, but they are swelling up just about every day. I’m always waddling and *knock on wood* no stretch marks yet.

What I’m looking forward to: I think is a given at this point, but meeting our baby!

Milestones: Colin’s estimated weight based on ultrasound on 5/7 was 6lbs and 13oz. In the beginning I was worried about having a 4lb baby, but now I’m worried about having an 8 pounder!

Best moment this week: Finding out that I’m 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced as of Monday. I’m ready to get this show on the road, but Colin is taking his dear sweet time. I’ve been having lots of practice contractions and I hope that all this prep work will translate to a slightly shorter labor. Fingers crossed!

When you are pregnant, you tend to get asked the same questions over and over again (often by complete strangers). Here are the answers to the most frequency asked questions:

     Yes, I am walking and bouncing on my yoga ball (as much as I can while working 40 hours a week)
     No, I will not take castor oil or any other laxative
     Yes, I will get the epidural but I will *try* to wait until I am 6 cm dilated
     No, I will not schedule an induction prior to my due date
     No, I’m not taking any leave before the baby comes
     No, I’m not worried about my water breaking at work

If I’m still pregnant at this time next week, I’ll be one cranky pregzilla! I was very depressed on Monday when I had to get up and get ready for work. I thought for sure when I left last Friday that I wouldn’t be coming back for a while. I had medium intensity contractions about 10 minutes apart most of the day Sunday, but they eventually stopped. Over the week this week they are medium-to-high intensity and every 2 hours or so.

Come on, Colin! The world is waiting to meet you.

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