Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Countdown

Today I have 20 days left until my due date. Luckily, since I'm such an awesome planner :), we are in the stage of doing the things we'd like to get done before Colin arrives. All the "have to" get done things are completed like installing car seats, washing and putting away baby things, and packing diaper bags. If he came today, we'd be good to go!

This week we all got hair cuts (even the dogs) so we aren't overdue during the brand new baby period where we don't want to leave the house. We filed our leave paperwork with our employer cause Mommy & Daddy still need to get paid. And I started an online photography course to try to figure out how to actually use my fancy pants camera to take beautiful pictures of our little family.

Last, but certainly not least, my Mom moves to Columbus today! I'm so excited to have her close by and help with Colin. Even Mommies need their Mommy and I am very fortunate that my Mom is able to do this for us.

I've been having lots of Braxton Hicks and cramping this week and I should find out at my appointment on Monday if Colin is any closer to arriving. Babies in my family tend to come early, but knowing me I'll be the odd man out still waddling around at 40 weeks! I have a list of things to do to keep me occupied and I'd probably go crazy with anticipation if I didn't have work distracting me.

And now, a photo. Because what's a blog post without a photo!

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