Tuesday, May 1, 2012

36 Weeks

Okay, so I'm really behind on the belly pics, but we have SUPER busy getting the last minute stuff done before Colin makes his debut.

How far along: 36 Weeks

Total weight gain: 24 pounds total

Food craving: Sweets!  I never have a sweet tooth and now all I want is peanut butter eggs, chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, and cupcakes.

Cankles, Stretch Marks, Waddling: My left ankle started to swell up a little last week, but luckily it went back down.  I'm definitely waddling :)  Knock on wood, no stretch marks yet. I really don't know how much more my skin can stretch before I start to get them though.

What I’m looking forward to:  Meeting Colin!  The showers were the last big thing before baby. At this point we are just playing the waiting game. I have my last ultrasound next Monday and they should be able to guesstimate birth weight and see if my body has started preparing for labor. Braxton Hicks have been awful the last week.

Milestones: Getting kicked in the ribs by my small boy! Also, I now have to take a stool with me around the house to do things like blow dry my hair and put on my make-up.  Increasing my body weight by about 25% takes it's toll on my knees and heels of my feet.

Best moment this week: Getting Mom set with her new apartment!  She's officially a Columbus resident. Her furniture doesn't come until this weekend, but we are one step to being closer to ready.

There's not much left for us to do to get ready and that's a good feeling. I started packing the hospital bags and we've pre-registered at the hosptials. We've been stocking up on food and stuff for the dogs so we don't have to worry about those things in the first few weeks with our new baby.

Physically, I'm getting really uncomfortable. It's getting hotter and I'm getting bigger.  Colin is getting huge! I feel his movements so much and he's taking up a lot of the space in my expanding tummy. He likes to be active after dinner and when I lay down to sleep. When I get up to use the bathroom at 3am he likes to have a mini dance party. I like it though because it confirms that he's doing okay. I like to play with his feet and poke back at him.

We are full term on Friday and I'm very excited to get to that point. I feel like he can come anytime after that and we'll be okay. Of course work would prefer if he stay in a few more weeks!

1 comment:

  1. I know you and Ward are so excited! You both will be excellent parents. And how great that your Mom lives here now! I couldn't do it without my Mom!! Good luck over the next few weeks.
