Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Babies Need So Much Stuff

What, you can't keep up?

My very best friend on earth came to visit this weekend with her 2 year old daughter in tow. We decided to take her to see one of our favorite movies, Beauty and the Beast. Good thing we had both seen it a million times because she refused to sit in her seat. I was exhausted just watching her and I got a glimpse of my future!

I'm so lucky that my BFF just had a baby boy in July and decided she is done having kids! She brought me a swing, a bouncy thingy, a bassinet, and a bunch of boy clothes. Seriously, babies need a lot of stuff and it all cost $100. A little wash & clean and she just saved me over $300!

What, real mean rock Pink!

She also helped me with the gift registry, what we do and don't need. There are so many things I didn't even think about! I feel like all our extra $ is going to go toward baby stuff for awhile. I know there only a few things the baby truly needs to survive, but I think the extras will help us survive!

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