Tuesday, January 3, 2012

18/19+ Weeks

18 Weeks

19+ Weeks

How far along: 19 Weeks (the second picture was taken a few days after I normally take them so it's 19+)

Total weight gain: 8.5 pounds total (stopped weighing weekly during the holidays so I don't know how much this week).

Food craving:  Everything! My appetite has kicked in overdrive.

Food aversions: Luckily, none.

Maternity Clothes: YEP! I made the cross over and I'm never going back.  I got some maternity pants for Christmas and did some post Christmas shopping for more. I never thought I would be so happy to have an elastic waistband!

What I’m looking forward to:  20 week ultrasound on Monday. This is another big one where they measure all the organs and make sure everything looks like it is deveoping on schedule. I can't wait to see our boy again!

Milestones: We started talking names and have narrowed it down to a "short list."  
I'm reluctant to share our choices because I don't want the "I knew a X once and he was such an ass."

Best moment this week: Feeling a little more movement from Ward Jr. (from the inside only) and buying the nursery furniture. We bought a crib, double dresser, and glider! I also bought some bedding and I can't wait to start putting it all together.

We had a good, uneventful New Years which was exactly what the doctor ordered (not literally). Thanksgiving was supposed to be relaxing, but I ended up doing way too much and I felt sick in the downtime that I did have.  I knew Christmas was going to feel crazy and it lived up to expectations. Luckily last week at work was slow and then we had a good three day weekend for New Years. I got some stuff done around the house that I have been trying to get done for awhile and got some sleep.


  1. Ahhh the crossover to maternity pants is soo freeing! It really makes you feel pregnant more than ever! I agree about the names! After telling a couple names and getting weird looks or bad comments-We kept ideas to ourselves until the day she was born and then we told everyone our decision. I'm so glad it is going so well for you! My son was a breeze but my baby girl had me sick and a nervous wreck the whole 9 months! Little Diva from conception! Haha! So excited for you!

    Staci Martin Hatchett

  2. Thanks Staci! I told the parents and the sisters and we may end up spilling on the name eventually. We are having a hard enough time deciding!
