Tuesday, January 17, 2012

21 Weeks

How far along: 21 Weeks

Total weight gain: 9.5 pounds total (none this week).

Food craving: Greek! Hummus & Feta Cheese…yummy. I’ve been trying really hard to get in more veggies so I made some cucumber, avocado, hummus, & feta sandwiches on flatbread and spinach salad with feta and homemade balsamic dressing. I loved hummus before getting pregnant, but due to the strong smell I wasn’t able to eat it during the first trimester.

Food aversions: Just one, much to my husband’s dismay…chicken poofs! It’s basically chicken & cream cheese baked in a crescent roll, but for some reason I cannot stomach it right now.

Maternity Clothes: Oh Yeah!

What I’m looking forward to: Painting the nursery and getting the furniture delivered! I think I’ll feel more prepared once that is in place.

Milestones: I’ve felt lots of little movements this week! I’m guessing 50% is just digestion (especially since I’ve increased the veggie intake), but some of its likely Ward Jr letting his presence be known. Sunday I woke up in the middle of the night because I was hot and needed to adjust the blankets. Ward Jr was NOT happy about it and flipped around for a good 3 minutes “getting comfortable.” Still such a weird sensation!

Best moment this week: Celebrating Ward’s Birthday and getting a three day weekend! It was a pretty low key old people birthday. We went out to lunch with his team from work and I brought some awesome cupcakes from a local bakery. His team is mostly guys and they got him a baby doll that cries and wets. They even did some fancy Photoshop and all wore buttons with this pic on it.

The three day weekend was wonderful and I got lots of stuff done around the house. I finally feel like I have somewhat normal levels of energy. I didn’t even take a nap the whole weekend (which is an accomplishment for me even when I’m not pregnant).

1 comment:

  1. Happy Late Bday Ward! I am loving the poster! :)
