Friday, March 2, 2012

Ninja Baby

Today I had a lunch meeting where they provided pizza and soda. I started drinking sugar free Coke Zero several years ago and for the past 18 months haven’t really had any soda much at all. In the last month or so I’ve eliminated ALL caffeine (even switched to caffeine free tea). So Colin has not really been exposed to soda and has had limited exposure to caffeine.

At the meeting today, they had Pepsi and Sprite as the drink options. Without thinking much about it, I poured myself a glass of full sugar/full caffeine Pepsi. About 30 minutes into the meeting, Colin was kicking so hard and moving so much that you could see my stomach moving! I had on a pretty fitted shirt today and I looked down to see tiny arms and/or legs moving across my stomach and giving kicks/punches. I covered my belly so no one else could see (because believe me, if they were looking they would see) and tried really hard not to giggle.

He’s getting so active and it’s wonderful! I hope someday I can catch it on video.

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