Monday, March 19, 2012

30 Weeks!

10 Weeks Left, Yikes!
How far along: 30 Weeks

Total weight gain: 16.5 pounds total

Food craving: Chicken Stir-Fry

Cankles, Stretch Marks, Waddling: Every day I’m waddlin’

What I’m looking forward to: 3D/4D ultrasound on Saturday! I can’t wait to see his little face and see what he’s doing in there. I know we may get a bad angle and I may be disappointed with the pictures, but I’m willing to take the chance.

Milestones: Signing up with a pediatrician. Colin officially has a doctor! Also, I have Heartburn. Again, a milestone I could live without, but it was only a matter of time. I’ve never really had heartburn ever so it took me a little bit to recognize what it was.

Best moment this week: Taking TWO naps this weekend and getting some sun. I tend to hibernate in the winter, especially this year. It was such a beautiful weekend that I took my iPad outside and read on the porch for a few hours. I even got a little sunburn on my legs.

I’m in a crazy-pregnant-lady-nesting phase. I have all these things that I’ve been meaning to do for the past 6 years and somehow I feel the need to accomplish them all, like NOW. For example, I feel the need to take everything out of the kitchen cabinets, wipe them down with Murphy’s Oil, and clean out the clutter. I’ve barely touched the cabinets in the 6 years we have lived in our house, but for some reason this must be done NOW!

I am also extra special clumsy lately. I really don’t know what pregnancy has to do with hand-eye coordination, but mine is sucking up a storm right now. Between the hormones, crazy nesting urges, and klutziness Ward dubbed me a “Waddling Train Wreck" this weekend! Thanks honey.

We start our 5 week birthing class tomorrow. Stuff’s getting real up in here!

1 comment:

  1. Waddling train wreck! That's actually quite hilarious. I think the clumsiness has something to do with the fact that your body is releasing some sort of hormone that loosens joints in preparation for birth. Not to mention the fact that your center of balance is thrown way off right now. I'm so jealous that you have only gained 16.5 pounds. I went way overboard during my pregnancies, and sadly, the weight did not just fall off.
